Cover Story SEPTEMBER 2004
Age management programs offer a new SERVICE
for the spa to provide – treating the aging process

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A New Revenue Stream for the Spa Market

The high visibility introduction of an age management program is something that will add another revenue stream for the spa owner. In the past, after the spa experience was completed by the spa-goer, he or she returned home and did not have regular ongoing contact with the spa concerning optimal aging and optimal health. By creating age management programs that are part of the take-home package, a monthly revenue stream is generated for the Spa itself whereby key age management supplements are sent on a monthly basis to the spa client’s home. Along with cutting edge information and interactive activities about age management and the spa guest’s personal health, a link using the Internet is established to maintain contact with the guest and provide an ongoing stream of information regarding the aging process, new “anti-aging” therapies and approaches to well-being.

In many destination and resort spas, a whole new profit center begins to open up within the boutique area itself where an Age Management section for skin, body and nutritional health can be created, all focusing on DNA.

Age management programs in the future will provide many new marketing tools to reach the spa’s current client base, particularly those in their 30’s 40’s, 50’s, 60’s and 70’s, who are most likely to be interested in staying young and vital.

Most spas spend significant amounts of money trying to attract new customers that will either visit the spa for the day or extended visit. With the addition of an “Age Management Program”, the spa is better positioned to not only initially attract a large customer base, but to retain these new customers after the spa visit has ended through an “at-home” age management therapeutic program. This creates an ongoing stream of revenue that continues far after the guest’s spa visit has concluded. When combined with interactive communication with the guest via the Internet, a loyal customer has been created – one who is also very likely to visit the spa again in the future to enjoy the other treatments and activities that are available there.

Some medical anti-aging therapies (i.e. Botox, Collagen, Restylane) focus on reversing the effects of aging. Spa-based Age Management Programs focus on nutritional supplementation and information regarding diet and exercise and actually begin to work on the causes of aging, the deterioration and loss of function of DNA itself. Herein lies the effectiveness of the Age Management Program.

Suracell: Personal Age Management
Through Optimized Genetic Health

uracell provides personalized age management programs for the Spa Market. It has developed therapeutic programs formulated to measure, access, treat, and monitor our body’s individual genetic needs. Spas can offer a new service to their clientele with Suracell’s Age Management Program, which includes genetic testing-a baseline urine test to measure DNA damage and Free Radical levels and a personalized core program to include nutriceuticals (therapeutic vitamin, mineral formula) and cosmeceuticals (topical skin creams), which both contain a proprietary IVDNA repair compound medically proven to repair DNA.

These testing and analysis programs are designed to pinpoint specific areas that may help determine our body’s rate of aging and return our body to a healthier state of functioning. In other words, the damage done to our DNA, which is replicated as we age, can actually be detected and repaired.

Suracell's Age Management Program allows clients to preserve their health by learning how to repair their DNA and manage the aging process in a positive fashion. Based on an individual’s unique needs, Suracell offers a Customized Treatment Regimen comprised of nutriceuticals and/or cosmeceuticals combined with lifestyle changes for optimal aging, wellness and an enriched quality of life.

The Suracell Age Management Program is comprised of a complete range of products that will take customers through the full spectrum of DNA repair and preservation;

Measure DNA Damage and Free Radical levels to establish baselines and track progress.

Detect genetic individuality (SNP’s) to identify personal diet, nutrient and skin requirements for optimal health span and aging potential.

Limit & Repair DNA deterioration that causes failing health and accelerated aging.

Optimize genetic potential of genes with the use of individualized nutriceutical and cosmeceuticals and lifestyle regimes.

Preserve or bank healthy DNA for use with future technologies, soon available, designed to restore quality of life and health span.

Suracell’s proprietary SNPs test format is designed to focus on genes that relate to specific physical conditions that occur in every cell of the body. These conditions include glycation, inflammation, oxidative stress, methylation and DNA Repair. These processes are also linked to many age-related disease processes.

The Suracell SNPs Test Kit is shipped directly to the customer and self-administered by simply swabbing the inside of the mouth. The DNA sample is then returned overnight to Suracell for analysis and processing to be completed within three days of harvest.

From the results of the SNPs Test, Suracell produces a personalized genetic profile in the form of a report. This provides the customer with a detailed analysis of factors affecting their health and aging potential. These test results are also used to develop a recommended, personalized regimen of nutriceuticals and / or cosmeceuticals, as well as, direct essential changes in the personal environment (diet, exercise, lifestyle choices, environmental toxins, etc.). Confirmation of progress in health and age management enabled by following the recommended regimen is confirmed by interim “home-based” tests including DNA and Free Radical retesting.


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