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...objective, undeniable evidence, scientific truths are ultimately borne out. In the words of Dr. Augenbrugger, 'It has always been the fate of those who have illustrated the arts and sciences by their discoveries to be beset by envy, malice, hatred, destruction, and calumny.'"

Dr. Klatz is also a best-selling author: Grow Young with HGH (HarperCollins, 1997) is credited with making "anti-aging" a household phrase. The dozens of books that Dr. Klatz has authored, which total over 2 million copies in print, further serve to underscore the anti-aging concept. Observes Dr. Klatz

"We are now "ushering in a new reality … in which 75 years old may well be considered middle age. We need only bridge the gap between the medical knowledge of today and the medical knowledge that we will have in our grasp by the year 2029. In that medical knowledge doubles every 3.5 years or less, by 2029, we will know at least 256 times more than we know today. As a result, it is not impracticable nor improbable to expect that humankind will reach the point where we'll know how to substantially slow or perhaps even stop aging, and even eventually reset the clock mechanism of life itself. By the year 2029, we anticipate that science will accomplish practical immortality • healthy human lifespans of 150 years and beyond."

In Dr. Klatz's Model of Practical Immortality, we may consider the years from 2006 through 2029 collectively as a "Bridge to Practical Immortality," during which science will amass key knowledge in biomedical technologies that will enable 150+ year-long lifespans:

As a respected futurist in the field of advanced biotechnologies, Dr. Klatz submits that "the leading causes of death could be eliminated in the immediate future, were an all-out scientific effort mounted and the politics of disease-based medicine restrained." As such, he predicts the following timetable for major medical breakthroughs during the period he calls the "Bridge to Practical Immortality":

• Heart Disease: Eliminated 2016
• Cancer: Eliminated 2021
• Diabetes: Eliminated 2017
• Alzheimer’s Disease: Eliminated 2015
• AIDS & Infectious Disease: Eliminated 2025

Recommends Dr. Klatz: "Before the eradication of the diseases of aging and the year 2029, we can rely on the expertise and experience of anti-aging physicians to usher us across the Bridge to Practical Immortality."

Dr. Klatz is a long-time scientific pioneer and innovator. He is the inventor, developer, or administrator of 100-plus scientific patents. The originator of the concept for brain resuscitation, Dr. Klatz was awarded the Gold Medal in Science for Brain Resuscitation Technology (1993) and the Grand Prize in Medicine for Brain Cooling Technology (1994). In addition, Dr. Klatz has been named as a Top 10 Medical Innovator in Biomedical Technology (1997) by the National Institute of Electromedical Information, and received the Ground Breaker Award in Health Care (1999) with Presidential

Acknowledgment by US President William Jefferson Clinton from Transitional Services of New York. With his extensive credentials as a physician, scientific innovator, and visionary, BusinessWeek March 2006 aptly refers to Dr. Klatz as "The Guru of Anti-Aging."

Profile of Robert Goldman, MD, PhD, DO, FAASP

A black belt in karate, Chinese weapons expert, and world champion athlete with over 20 world strength records, Robert Goldman, MD, PhD, DO, FAASP is listed in the Guinness Book of World Records. This year, Dr. Goldman was inducted into the National Fitness Hall of Fame. In 2001, Excellency Juan Antonio Aamaranch awarded Dr. Goldman the international Olympic Committee tribute diploma for contributions to the development of sport and Olympism.

Dr. Goldman has served as a Senior Fellow at the Lincoln Filene Center, Tufts University, and as an Affiliate at the Philosophy of Education Research Center, Graduate School of Education, Harvard University. Dr. Goldman is a Clinical Consultant, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Korea Medical University, and Professor, Department of Internal Medicine at the University of Central America Health Sciences, Department of Internal Medicine.

He co-founded and serves as Chairman of the Board of Life Science Holdings, a biomedical research company which has had over 150 medical patents under development in the areas of brain resuscitation, trauma and emergency medicine, organ transplant and blood preservation technologies. He has overseen cooperative research agreement development programs in conjunction with such prominent institutions as the American National Red Cross, the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), the Department of Defense, and the FDA's Center for Devices & Radiological Health.

Dr. Goldman is the recipient of the Humanitarian Award (1995), the Business Development Award (1996) and co-recipient with Dr. Klatz of the Gold Medal for Science and Grand Prize for Medicine (l994).Dr. Goldman is Chairman of the International Medical Commission overseeing sports medicine committees in over 179 nations.

Dr. Goldman's perspective of anti-aging medicine considers the specialty to be the next generation of sports medicine. Explains Dr. Goldman: "In sports medicine, physicians aim to keep athletes in peak physical and mental condition, to maximize their performance in competition. Anti-aging medicine seeks to keep people, as they age, in top physical and mental shape." In meeting Dr. Goldman, you'd find he walks the walk, as he has a biological age a good 12 years less than his chronological age. He represents the anti-aging medical movement well, as he is physically fit and mentally sharp..

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Anti-aging medicine is a healthcare model promoting innovative
science and research to prolong the healthy lifespam in
humansto prolong the healthy lifespam in humans