The New One Nineteen Health & Wellness centerhouses the only integrated medical and holistic healthy lifestyle program in the region

From site selection to material applications, this health and wellness center incorporates natural healing elements throughout the design, including an abundance of natural light through generous glass curtainwalls, textures and soothing colors. "The interior finishes subtlely play off natural textures," says Sarah Woodard, IIDA, ASID, ESa's interior designer of the center. "Wallcoverings and tiles used throughout are textured. Another example is the use of wood flooring in the spa areas. To continue a seamless, spa-like integration to the other areas, a wood-look vinyl flooring was used in the physical therapy treatment rooms and in diagnostics spaces."

Likewise, the center respects its natural setting and neighborhood to convey a total message of wellness to the community. The landscaping's natural approach integrates the facility into its surroundings. Me tried to be sensitive to the surrounding residential neighborhood," says Ron Lustig, AlA, ESa's principal who led the design of the center. As many as possible of the site's approximately 100-foot pine trees were retained during the center's construction. Parking medians with bio-swales incorporate rocks and plantings that thrive in wet conditions to filter parking water run-off before soaking into the ground.

Efficiencies Incorporated
One of the most difficult design challenges was functional adjacencies. The success of combining multiple services into one cohesive facility without any perceived division depended upon strong functional relationships. For example, the locker area needed to serve the spa, fitness, pool and rehabilitation guests, all at the same time. Both the fitness and rehabilitation programs use the same equipment, and one registration desk serves both of these departments.

By multi-functioning areas of the facility, square footage and redundancy were reduced, which allows sharing of staff between services. Direct connections from each area allow fitness members and patients alike to utilize the entire facility without having to create separate areas for each service.

Though the center's integration of design and cross-training of its personnel, there are no bottlenecks or waiting back-ups of the center's patrons," explains Lustig.


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