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MedicalSpas will be distributed to facilities or individuals that are combining medicines with spas and medicine.
Business Review
A Monthly Magazine
Readers are Medical and Spa Professionals providing comprehensive medical and wellness care in a relaxing environment alternating spa services together with conventional and integrative therapies

The role of a medical spa is a comprehensive mind/body approach to caring for the client before, during, and after physio, medical, anti-stress and cosmetic treatments. As medical spas use high-end products, they show greater results. Medical spas are a balance between clinical and
spa therapies.

They take care of the client’s medical needs and at the same time create a relaxing and soothing atmosphere for the client’s comfort and well being. A medical spa is a medical setting combined with a healing touch including its multitude of spa services with various medical environments.
Medical spas design packages that include both spa and medical services.
MedicalSpas Review is distributed to facilities or individuals that are combining medicine with spas, medicine as defined in both Eastern and Western cultures.
Spa resorts with medical amenities (Canyon Ranch, Tucson, AZ.). Hospitals opening up spas (Beth-Israel Hospital in NYC). Integrative Urban Spas with medical facilities (SOHO Integrative Health Center In NYC).

Gynecologists, Clinics, Plastic surgeon Centers, Fitness Centers, Wellness Centers with spa amenities, Corporate Wellness Centers (Merrill Lynch in NYC, Fortune 500 Head Offices).

Wellness Centers (Pritikin Center in Florida, Deepak Choprah in Carlsbad, CA), Rejuvenation Centers (La Jolla Center in La Jolla, CA), Massage Therapist Centers, Light Therapy Centers, Laser Resurfacing Centers. Dermatologists and Anti-Aging Centers.